
Fair Districts PA provides timely updates to keep supporters and the press up to date. To find out what the press is reporting check out our “Media Highlights page”.

PA Prison Gerrymandering

Frequently asked questions in preparation for the 2021 redistricting process in Pennsylvania.

Hearings and Public Testimony

To find out when the two state government committees and the one commission are meeting to discuss redistricting, a PA voter must follow four different websites. In our attempt to keep ourselves and PA voters informed, we will be using this landing page to collect what we know about all the various hearings.

Testimony is Advocacy Power!

Get ready to share your thoughts about past gerrymandered districts and about what you’d like to see as new maps are drawn.

Speak Up for Fair Maps

Our attention now shifts to the drawing of maps and to preparation for public hearings to be held this summer and early fall by the Senate and House State Government Committees and Legislative Reapportionment Commission.

LACRA Values Mapping Contest

Get ready for redistricting! Ten $1000 prizes will be given for the top PA house and senate district plans (five in each category) that meet criteria proposed in LACRA (the Legislative and Congressional Redistricting Act, HB 22/SB 222).

Gut and replacement of SB222

On June 22, the Senate State Government Committee met briefly to vote on three bills, in a meeting announced with less than 24 hours notice. Senate Bill 222 was one of those bills.