
Fair Districts PA provides timely updates to keep supporters and the press up to date. To find out what the press is reporting check out our “Media Highlights page”.

Letter to PA legislator: Doesn’t the deciding vote matter?

Fair Districts PA Chair Carol Kuniholm is writing a letter a week to all PA legislators, and we are publishing those letters here. Please read Carol’s letter and then take a moment to write one of your own to your state representative and senator. For contact information, click here

Racial Equity and Communities of Interest

The terms “racial equity” and “communities of interest” are sometimes equated, as if respect for communities of interest is the sole and best guarantee of racial equity.

Third Time’s a Charm?

Three members of the first California Citizens Redistricting Commission visited Pennsylvania on September 16 to 18 to share their experience in drawing district lines. This was the third delegation from the commission to visit PA. As Commissioner Cynthia Dai said hopefully, “Maybe the third time’s the charm.”

House State Government Committee Hearing

Fair Districts PA supporters showed up in large numbers for the House State Government Committee hearing on September 18, 2019. After a staff scramble to find overflow space, Committee Chair Garth Everett invited attendees to sit on the floor, stand in the back, or move to a training room nearby to watch proceedings on a large screen tv.

September Action: Call PA State Representatives!

A committee in the House is holding a hearing on September 18 about redistricting reform. We can’t all show up in Harrisburg, but we can make an impact so all state representatives know their constituents want reform before the 2021 redistricting cycle, not in 2031!