
Fix Harrisburg press conference to present first quarter report

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 | 12:30pm-1:00pm
Harrisburg, PA

Venue Information

Capitol Rotunda
501 N 3rd Street
Harrisburg, PA

Event Type

Press Conference

Event Description

In 2022, Fair Districts PA published Dysfunction by Design: Why Pennsylvania’s State Legislature is so Unproductive … and How we Can Fix It. Now, as the General Assembly returns from summer recess, we are providing a new report, assessing legislative progress in the first six months of the 2023-2024 session. You are invited to attend the press conference. Please RSVP!

If you are attending the press conference, we would also welcome your help delivering copies of the new report to legislators’ offices. We’ll gather in the capitol cafeteria area at 11 am to distribute maps, Fix Harrisburg pins and printed reports.

Let us know you’re coming!
